This topic will mainly be focused on loving yourself. Comfortable within ourselves means not comparing with others, we feel good in choices we make in our lives, good self-esteem. But in today’s life these things are not that easy to apply within a fraction of seconds it requires peace and tranquillity to overcome stress, anxiety, and fear. Our society, who constantly compares us with others about many things irrespective of skin colour, gender, looks, etc. where these things are primary but being on social media also results in a mental breakdown while seeing other people posting about their perfect life, which can be either fake or real. We cannot run away from change but we have to accept it positively and take it as a challenge. It depends on us how we invest our precious time in social media, it is okay to let other people know what we are doing in our life but getting obsessed also leads to degradation of self-confidence. We see famous people for our inspiration to work on ourselves but imitating their life will not lead us anywhere. Therefore, we can follow some steps to rebuild our comforts:

  • Taking care of ourselves: Working out is most important which includes healthy eating, exercises, getting enough sleep, meditation, being workaholic.

“An empty mind is the devil’s workshop and makes a person lazy.” -Mahatma Gandhi

  • Don’t Quit: Once we start a particular work it has to be completed within that timeframe to keep it engaged for tomorrow.

“Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, what if tomorrow never comes.” -Luke the Evangelist

  • Doing what makes us happy: Considering our hobbies will lead on right track; it will help us to know better and to show off some hidden talents.

“Do what makes you move.” -Ritviz

  • Embracing our unique personality: Loving our skin and body is the most beautiful thing which God has created. This is our identity by which people know us.

“Keep calm and love your curves.” -Amy Leonard

  • Learning to be within ourselves: Engaging ourselves and not caring much about the stupidity which the other people create will help us to feel more light as if all the burden is handled by them.

“The less you give a damn, the happier you will be.” – Unanimous

Our life is full of endless problems the more we care about silly things in our life we will not be able to move forward and learn new things, which will ultimately get trapped in our dreams. Therefore, letting the dreams come true and not caring much what other people say is the best way to love yourself since we cannot please everyone.

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